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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Gorgeous setup Divy. Well done. Hope we'll get to see it when the plants fill out a bit.
  2. Another way is to have floating plants that fry can swim into in order to escape the adults. Or construct something that mimics the effect of plants. In one of my tanks I've used small pieces of styrofoam to float some plastic netting at the water surface where fry tend to instinctively go. I haven't actually had a drop yet. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.
  3. If you figure out approximately when this batch was born then the next lot should arrive in about 28 days. You can then remove the female to a birthing tank or fry saver a few days before that.
  4. Seachem's Excel (not Flourish) has the same ingredients as Dino Spit but it's a weaker solution and more expensive.
  5. 18 votes.... that must be just about everyone who is currently active on here.... ie posting not just lurking. Lurkers are of course more than welcome to vote. It's anonymous.
  6. You should get some Dino Spit from Aquagreen to deal with the algae http://aquagreen.com.au/plant_data/Dinosaur_Spit.html
  7. Welcome to the forum, Jeff.
  8. Welcome to the forum, Allan.
  9. Welcome to the forum magodes. I haven't had good experiences keeping tetras with bettas. They tend to bite betta fins. Maybe your crowntail might fare better than my halfmoons. If you try it and it doesn't work out you can always get another tank and separate the fish. I don't keep any community tanks any more but if I were to start a community tank which needed to include a betta along with a shoaling fish then I think I'd avoid the tetras and go for something from the rasbora family.
  10. Those of you searching for good information on guppy genetics will be pleased to know that the Color Bank website, which was only accessible to those who had purchased the Color Bank books, has been closed down in favour of a new website which is completely free to join. All the articles from the Color Bank site have been moved over to the new site. There is some fascinating reading here. http://www.guppydesigner.com/
  11. I often read the statement that maintaining a guppy strain takes 6 to 8 tanks. Curious about what this meant I went searching and found this interesting article http://aquarium-club...py_genetics.htm. It doesn't exactly answer the question I started out with but puts forward the notion that you don't need 6 tanks per strain. You'll need to read the whole article to understand the programme but here's a little snippet: . Essentially the article suggests that you are able to maintain 7 strains in 9 tanks.
  12. We have now turned on the full Facebook functionality on the board. Previously we had only turned on the ability to Like a topic. Now you can use your Facebook credentials to log into the forum. I think that means that if you're logged in to Facebook you don't have to punch in your AAQ password to log in while in the same browser session. Although I have to admit I haven't tested it. Besides I've set my browser to remember my AAQ password so it logs in automatically anyway. There are a few extras though. You can synchronise your profile pic and status updates with Facebook if you wish. It's not mandatory. If you don't want to connect with Facebook you don't have to do anything. If you do want to synchronise with Facebook here's what you need to do. Next to your username on the right, click the down arrow and select My SettingsSelect the Profile tabOn the left panel select Manage Facebook ConnectFollow the instructions on-screen and the rest should be a breeze.
  13. Bettarazzi

    Howdy all!

    Please tell us a little more about yourself, how long you've been in the hobby, what fish you keep etc.
  14. Welcome to the forum, FlameDragon. Go on... rearrange the furniture. Get that 6 footer in. :D
  15. I've got a little idea or two percolating in my head
  16. Hi Stewie. Welcome to the forum. I'm not aware of any massive farms like in Thailand. There are commercial breeders but I don't think they are on the same scale as those in Asia. Are you thinking of starting one up?
  17. Yeah but I want them to be pretty just like a bought one :P
  18. Nah... he's just pleased to see you, Paul. *lol*
  19. Where do the tank builders get them from? Someone makes them. They can't hide forever. Together we shall seek them out!
  20. Super Blue is looking very, very full. I didn't feed him. Did anyone else feed him? Did yummy insects fall into his tank? No.... I think Bluey's been a bad, bad boy. Okay... maybe it was my fault. The activity around his tank could have freaked him out a bit. Never mind. Little rest for the girl and we'll try again. And the moral is? Never count your bettas before the eggs have been eaten. *lol*
  21. The Green pair and the Super Blue pair have also spawned now. Very excited about the Super Blue. Can't wait to see the results.I have tails from the Black Orchid x Super Black pair. Relieved that the female is fertile and didn't turn out to be a plain old melano. I suppose I should start a proper spawn log.I've aborted the Copper pair. The female has some bad injuries. She's going to need some major TLC over the next few days.
  22. For some reason I can't play the videos. But nice fish. :)
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