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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. And in case anyone is thinking of using this forum to have a slanging match, forget it. It won't be tolerated. If you have a problem with Fishchick Aquatics (or any other commercial entity for that matter), ring Jodi directly to discuss.
  2. Your reputation remains untarnished on this forum Jodi. Just ignore them and reserve your services for the people who appreciate them.
  3. Midge Hill was a well-respected guppy breeder. I doubt she was working with "pretty red guppies from the LFS". I'm pretty much a novice where it comes to breeding guppies so I'm certainly not advocating one method over another. I was simply trying to understand how the multiple tanks were used and why so many were required. So far I haven't found anything that explains the 6 tank per strain method in any detail.
  4. Hi Steve. Welcome to the forum. Looks like you've got some fun times ahead in the hobby what with the planted tanks, guppies and bettas. Your dream guppy sound fascinating. Can't wait to see how it pans out.
  5. Amanda, please tell us more about yourself and your interests in fish keeping. Once we approve your introduction you will receive access to other parts of the forum including the Classifieds forum, which is where you should be asking "where to buy" questions.
  6. I just looove intro posts with pics! I think Lady Tamina might possibly be a boy. Not looking entirely happy in that pic. Maybe a bit of fin rot happening. Suggest a treatment using either Myxazin or if you can't find that try Wardley's Fungus-Ade. We can probably reserve judgement on gender until later. Welcome to the forum!
  7. I hope you're going to continue developing this line of red crowntails. You've kept a reasonable number for the next generation right?
  8. Well done. The moss carpet seems to be doing well. How long has this tank been going?
  9. Bettarazzi


    Done. Have sent you an email with the login details.
  10. I'm sad to say I have no killies at the moment. I have some old peat hanging around which I'm pretty sure don't have any eggs in them. But I'm following the advice never to chuck out peat without rewetting it so it still sits there on the shelf. Not that I'm actually someone that regularly chucks anything out. *lol*
  11. Bettarazzi


    Welcome back Serkan! But now you've got two accounts. LOL. You could have simply contacted admin and we could have changed your email address and reset your password.
  12. Bettarazzi


    Hi Titans, Could you please let us know a bit more about yourself? Eg the fish/tanks/plants/shrimp you keep, how long you've been in the hobby, etc. If you browse the Introductions forum you'll see examples of what other people have written. Cheers, Michael
  13. We've turned on the mobile skin on the forum but haven't customised it. It looks almost exactly the same as the IPB app except that the IPB app doesn't have the Full Version link. As Shannon has already discovered the IPB app allows you to add other forums that use the IPB software so it's convienient that way. And it's free so if you don't like it you can always ditch it.
  14. That happened to me once. I thought it came back when I exited and came back in. Are you using the IPB app or just browsing with safari?
  15. If I figure out how to isolate the functionality we could change it. But until then you'll just have to continue what you're doing.
  16. Actually I remember now.... it was turned off because turning it on would also mean that people who edit their posts could turn off the Edited By tag. I believe there were issues in the early days of the forum of people making inflammatory posts, leaving them there for a few people to see, then editing the post before mods could see it.
  17. I thought everyone could do that. You can't see the "Reason for Edit" field?
  18. Hi there Danny. Welcome to the forum. I spent Christmas up at Coffs Harbour this year. It was kinda wet but we still had a good time.
  19. Is the shop on high enough ground to be able to escape damage?
  20. Happy Birthday Wayne! Hope you've had a great day and that the floods haven't put too much of a dampener on celebrations.
  21. Very cute puss! I want to tickle his tummy.
  22. Welcome to the forum Daniel. You should choose whichever colour you're attracted to. Having said that however, I don't believe that there are very many people working on yellow.
  23. If you're trying to achieve fewer water changes then it would be better if you could include some filter media in there. Bacteria will stick to the surfaces of the box and jars and you will still get a little bit of filtration happening even without filter media but this might be minimal. However it's a darn sight better than changing water in individual jars.
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