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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. I wanna see the discus and the apistos. Welcome to the forum Ado.
  2. When you finally do a spawn and you witness the beauty of the wrapping, and you see how diligently he cares for the fry, and you see how cute they are, and you see how marvellous they look as they colour up, you'll kick yourself for waiting so long.
  3. The sponge filters probably make it hard for the boys to build nests.
  4. It's basically a gigantic vase like one of those they use for the massive flower arrangements in hotel lobbies. *lol*
  5. On behalf of Busman That's not a glass jar... it's a glass BUCKET! *lol*
  6. Welcome back Bec! Tank looks great. Show us what's behind the curtain. *lol*
  7. Fantastic colours. Love the blue tuxedo especially.
  8. Welcome to the forum, Naatu! We're not only about bettas here, although it is predominant. Many of us keep other fish including cichlids.
  9. Get a glazier to cut the pieces for you and smooth off the sharp edges. Much less hassle. And you won't have to pay for any screw ups. I haven't worked with Perspex so can't help there. Now that you've posted an introduction your access will be upgraded shortly and you will then be able to send private messages.
  10. Just a question on the finrot, Paul. Do you sterilise everything when it appears? Not guaranteeing that it will help but I found that I was getting repeated bouts of velvet until I cracked out the hospital grade disinfectant.
  11. C'mon we need pictures!! There are so few guppy pictures on here.
  12. Sterilize the tank and all equipment first so that you start off pretty clean. And make sure you're diligent with water changes and filter maintenance and it should be ok. It's not like they have zero immunity.
  13. The fins on the second one look copper but the body colour is not quite what I'd expect. Not sure.
  14. I feel for you. I can't imagine living in a city smaller than Melbourne. As it is I feel a bit deprived and lacking access to things because Australia often feels so isolated. Every time I take a trip to the country I think how nice it must be to live in the wide open spaces, peace and quiet, beautiful scenery, then I remember all the things I like having access to. I wish it were possible to have the best of both worlds.
  15. The array of colours looks fantastic arranged like that. Ahh... you've brought to the surface one of my happiest betta memories. My very first spawn produced a multi-coloured array (not as many as you've got there) but I remember my amazement and happiness when I looked at them and thought they looked like jewels. This is why I love bettas. And what you've got there doesn't even come close to all the colour combinations possible. Thank you for posting that. I think I'm going to have happy betta dreams tonight. :D
  16. Ugh! Uncarded a female yesterday to give the male next to her some exercise. Today she dropped all her eggs. Grr!

  17. Closing this thread now that your issue is resolved. Normally don't care if people go off topic in their own thread but every time I see an unread post in this forum I think someone is having a technical issue. Really don't want to discourage people enjoying themselves and having a good chat but would appreciate if this particular forum wasn't used for that.
  18. Keeping fingers crossed that my Copper x Black eggs are going to hatch. Female is definitely fertile but they didn't look like they were wrapping in the right position.

  19. You should organise an LFS crawl. Then your mum won't have to drive you. Of course you'll have to make sure someone coming on the crawl can drive. When I lived in Sydney 14 years ago (yikes!) I drove around to all my favourite aquariums nearly every Saturday!! Auburn, St George, Lam's (not the one in Paramatta, there used to be one in Campsie or thereabouts) and Manly were my regular stops. I kinda miss those days (except for the living away from partner and family, and never having enough money part).
  20. Come on. It definitely says "rov".
  21. Did daddy get his shotgun out?
  22. I can't see photos on my desktop. I think it might be members only. Can you still see the pics if you log out of the salamander forum?
  23. PLEASE DON'T ANYONE NAME THE OTHER FORUM. My personal opinion is, rather than us all jumping to Jodi's defence on the other forum and providing them with traffic they would not otherwise have had, it would be better to simply disengage. Ignore them. Don't visit that forum any longer.
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