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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Yes, I thought that's what you meant. I probably should have been more clear. I was suggesting that you move the eggs but leave the parents where they are. I don't think it's a good idea to try to move the eggs as well as the parents. I'm not sure what would happen. I've had angels behave very badly when they're separated from their eggs. Although I'm not going to call myself an expert on angels. If you don't care that much about raising this particular batch of fry. Then I'd say just give it a go. If they eat the eggs it doesn't matter. At least they're in a proper spawning tank and they'll breed again soon enough. You might be lucky. Presumably you're going to move the eggs and then move the parents pretty much immediately. Maybe they won't get too upset and just continue as they were. Is it an option to move the other fish into the spare tank and leave the spawning pair and their eggs where they are? The netting of the other fish might upset the parents a little bit. But I reckon it wouldn't upset them as much as removing the eggs, then netting the parents and putting them in a tank they're not familiar with.
  2. I think those curly fins are caused by poor water conditions when he was growing up rather than genetics. If you're feeling brave you could attempt to trim them to see if they'll grow back. But if he's happy enough then just spawn him and see what comes out. I think he's teal. That's my default guess whenever I see a shiny, turquoise with blueish bodies. *lol*
  3. Forget to say, I want to see progressive pics of that Iwagumi, ideally from empty tank through to when it's finally reached it's peak. :D
  4. So far I like Aurelius best of the males and Kate best of the females. That's just a personal preference "like", not a judging-hat-on "like". :)
  5. Perth members are going to do a leap of joy to have another member on the board. Welcome!!
  6. You can hatch the eggs away from the parents. Often better that way. Use an airstone to create a gentle current past the eggs and add methylene blue to prevent fungus.
  7. Besides, you can always use the new genetic material. :D
  8. Weld on doesn't fill gaps. It's a thin glue. Its purpose is to bond the acrylic. You should just cut a new piece the correct size. I thought weld on is for bonding acrylic to acrylic not acrylic to glass.
  9. Mind spinning with what you might use your nose for. ROFL
  10. It's a great setup Ness. Now you just need another 4 racks like that. *lol*
  11. That's the one I bought and then returned because my partner complained it was too big and we couldn't bring the blinds down past it - which was true.
  12. I'm not turned off planted tanks. It's just that I want to focus my time and energy on breeding bettas primarily and dabbling in guppies as a sideline. A properly planted tank needs nearly as much maintenance. At least the way I attempt to do them certainly seems a lot of work. Ferts daily, regular water changes, trimming, algae control etc. Bare bottomed tanks are just easier to clean if they're being used for betta or guppy fry. I do keep some plants. I have a few types of mosses, anubias, and a few varieties of java fern. But the tanks they're in are still bare bottomed. Please don't be put off. I think you'll get a lot of pleasure from setting up your planted tanks. I certainly did when I set them up initially. I just thought it was amusing that you're putting gravel in and I'm taking gravel out. If you lived next door we could have just swapped.
  13. You can eradicate them eventually. Just have to be dilligent about removing any that you see. I completely cleared one of my tanks of ramshorns once. Took about 4 months of daily removal. LOL
  14. Funny. I'm going the opposite way and about to strip down two planted tanks and make them bare again. Although I might still grow some plants in them in pots. I did have fun when I first planted them though. I just need them bare again now. Will keep all the substrate for when I next get the planted tank urge. Enjoy the journey and you'll take photos of every step, won't you?
  15. I was at Garden World last weekend. Had an issue with a pump that had a non-standard sized hose fitting. The guy fixed it for me in about 2 seconds. But I wasn't there for pond related stuff so didn't really look around. I think it's definitely worth going in to have a chat.
  16. Talked to someone about making me a custom stand then started thinking about re-arranging my room so that I can fit a 4ft stand instead. I've put this on hold for the moment until I can decide. There's a lot of junk to get rid off before I can fit a 4ft stand in. And I can't have both. Going to setup up something temporary for the 2 footers so that I can use them.
  17. Bumping this for people who might be wondering when the board will finally go back to non-summer time. Umm.... like me... :embarrass:
  18. I don't know what kind of plastic. They come in all sorts of sizes but we get a limited variety here. Seems to be a US thing. Mine are about 1.5 ltr. Maybe a bit more. You can get them from Jodi or eBay.
  19. Yeah, search for "beanie display cases" on eBay.
  20. I know someone who has built something which is more like the first diagram. Instead for the drainage tube going from container directly to sump, it drains first into a pvc pipe which is laid horizontally behind the containers. The pvc pipe then goes down to the sump. The advantage of doing it this way is that you've created a much more closed system and with a lid on the sump and lids on all the containers there should be virtually no evaporation. Disadvantage is that you have to buy more materials. You should experiment with dispensing with the barbed connector that attaches the tubing to the container. If you drill the hole to be a tight fit, you should be able to squeeze the flexible tubing in and it should hold without leaking.
  21. My drip system is like Rhys' second picture. I use a plastic gutter available from Bunnings which is what the containers drip into. I've then cut a hole and glued in a sink attachment. PVC pipes then take it down to the sump. You can see it on my YouTube channel. Word of warning, I've found that my system has the disadvantage of evaporating rather quickly which causes a lot of humidity in the room. In winter, humidity = mould.
  22. Lismore Betta Club coming soon? Brettc777 is also in Lismore.
  23. I believe if she's got some irid on her she's more likely to be fertile. I'm not sure why that is. Haven't worked with blacks much.
  24. I read Busman's post on my iPhone so I saw the smiley. I was wondering why Matt called them "squres". I thought it was some kind of teen-speak for a smiley with raised eyebrows. Then I worked out that it was just teen-typo. *lol*
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