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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. There's been some odd occurrences of double and even triple posting recently. I initially though it was just happening with 1 or 2 people accidentally so I simply deleted them without comment. I'm sure this is some kind of technical issue and because the frequency seems to be increasing I think it might be a good idea if we tried to get to the bottom of it. I am going to stop deleting duplicate threads/posts to give time to the poster to notice. Once you notice that the duplication has occurred, it would good if you could come in here and provide some information that might help me troubleshoot. These are some of the things which it would be good to find out. - what were you using to access the forum at the time? PC, iPhone etc - did you notice any unusual delay after you submitted the post/thread before the new page was presented? - did you think that nothing was happening and click submit more than once? - did you notice the duplication straight away? - any thing else you can think of that seemed unusual. Thanks for your help everyone.
  2. My original plan was to have the shelves perpendicular but the room was too small for it.
  3. *lol* I didn't read any sentence that didn't have the word "photos" in it. Even now when I try to read Ness' post my eyes glaze over the blah blah blah and then.... oh yeah... photos!! *lol*
  4. Welcome to the forum Emily. ^^wot she said! :D
  5. LOL sneaky Neffy. When I was renting I decided I couldn't live without my cat or my fish so I just went ahead and had both. Never had an inspection in the two years I lived there. When I was moving out, after doing the bond inspection the agent asked me why there was fur everywhere. I told him truthfully it was because of the cat. He said I had to pay $80 for a professional cleaner but I got my full bond back AND the same agent rented me the next flat LOL.
  6. Are you serious? My tap water is 7.2 - 7.4. Maybe that's the issue. But paulman who lives 5 minutes down the road has millions of them. I dunno. Anyway, doesn't really matter. If I make room for shrimp that will mean less room for bettas.
  7. Can't sleep. Can't get my mind off work. I so need to get out of there.

    1. paul


      Now this is not a statement - it's more of an anthem! Perhaps even a motto to live by. Love it Michael!

  8. Ignore the landlord! LOL. Generally when a lease says no pets they're talking about dogs and cats. Or if you're really worried then just ask if you're allowed to have a fish tank. Don't tell them you're actually starting a betta farm. LOL
  9. Somehow missed this entire thread when it was first posted! Good job Adam! It was a good move not using the gutter. I think you avoid a lot of evaporation this way.
  10. Welcome Bernard! More Perth members. Woohoo!! Now come on Perth folks. You guys need to organise a get together. There's plenty of you now.
  11. @Ness you can't be all that hungry if you're thinking of eating those teeny weeny shrimp. Expensive taste in food too. Aren't CBS worth more than their weight in gold? LOL I keep killing cherry shrimp as well. Don't know what the issue is. I really think we need a full tank shot.
  12. Lovely fish Sarah. I still remember the first time I saw a picture of a dragon on Aquabid. They're such a sensational development in betta colour. Just amazing what the Thais can come up with.
  13. Happy Birthday Jo! I'm too old to call you Nanna. *lol*
  14. This is similar to what I have. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/REPTILE-HEAT-HEATING-CORD-CABLE-3M-15W-/330505512710?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item4cf3a9e706#ht_2278wt_689. Just remember you need to buy the thermostat separately. What I've done with that shelf of tanks is I've got 4 heating cords plugged into a powerboard. I needed a universal travel adaptor to adapt the 3-prong Australian plug into 2-prong Asian. Remove the heater supplied with the thermostat. Then plug the powerboard into the thermostat. Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs. Trying to save you the frustration I had with the adaptors. Before I found the universal adaptors in eBay I actually sawed off the earth prong from an adaptor because I couldn't find a 3-socket going to 2-prong.
  15. I always read the instructions as well. Then I go ahead and do whatever I like! *lol*
  16. No. I bought most of my reptile cords at LFS that sell snakes and frogs. I've seen them on eBay sometimes so do a search. I think mine might be made in Australia but I don't have the packaging anymore. They have an Australian plug.
  17. I think most of mine are 2m or 2.5m something like that. I might have one that's longer. They are completely encased in rubber and can be used in or out of water.
  18. Personally I wouldn't reuse media that came from someone else. Wouldn't cost that much to replace.
  19. That will teach me to read the packaging more carefully. The polyfibre matting that I bought at Spotlight is filled with antibacterial and antifungal  and all manner of chemicals. I'm not going to be able to use it for mechanical filtration. And typically I only read the packaging after I've cut off a huge chunk so I can't even return it. 
  20. You can't say that without linking to a pic. :protest:
  21. How is the temperature regulated with the heating mat? With my set up, the thermostat is completely separated from. The reptile cords don't have any temperature control themselves. They just go on or off as dictated by the thermostat. Bear in mind the thermostat is a separately purchased device. It has a sensor which I stick in one of the tanks. When the tank temp drops below what I've set as the ideal temp the cords go on and stay on until it goes back up. I actually haven't really monitored if there is a lot of fluctuation. I might try to do that at some point.
  22. The missing tank allows you to see the reptile heating cords under all the tanks which is what I use to heat them. I use a thermostat to regulate the temperature. It's not pictured but this is the listing off ebay. I just didn't use the supplied heater and plugged in a powerboard instead, and then plugged in the 4 heating cords into that.
  23. Such a beautiful and healthy looking tank Yan. My attempt at a marine tank resulted in the creation of a black hole that I kept throwing money into.
  24. Here's a pic of the shelves holding the 16 x 7 ltr tanks the tanks are 20cm cubes. Yes, there's one missing. It's in the bathroom. I took it there to wash it, got distracted and it's been sitting in the bathroom for a couple of weeks now. These tanks hold my breeders. Unfiltered at the moment. There were sponge filters in all of them but I took the filters out to when I was doing a spring clean to give them a good wash, didn't get around to it, then my imported fish arrived and they had to go in there without filters. That was in November!!! LOL. But the males prefer still water anyway so even when the filters were in there before I used to remove the males filter when I was trying to spawn him. I use these small tanks as spawning tanks as well. I just put the female in the next tank, card and uncard, then just lift her out and pop her in next door.
  25. @Wayne, I just had no idea how to choose sizes and didn't know that 50 mm was actually the standard not 40 mm. I got assistance from the plumbing specialist at bunnings who didn't explain anything. Just pointed out the parts he thought I needed. Now I realise there are adaptors there which would have been unnecessary if I'd chosen the 50 mm pipe. Never mind. Live and learn.
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