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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Just had another read of the rules and it looks like I will need to redo even my betta and guppy spawnings in order for them to inspected at the appropriate age. I better find out what "accredited member" means. I had a guppy/endler drop just about 10 days ago. Oh well, no biggie there's a drop every month. LOL
  2. 4 apistos at once?? OMG you people are such a bad influence!! I LOVE that about you. LOL. Okay shopping spree on Saturday. Oh wait... need to pick up the tanks I won on eBay first. Will need to look at the ready made tank dividers. If it will keep my guppy males away from the females then I think my guppy/endler breeding program just got a significant boost. Getting very excited!! LOL
  3. Just won 3 x 2ft tanks on eBay. Woot! Had to pay $52... hope they're not as shabby as they look in the picture. LOL

    1. Rhysmachine101


      Nice Birthday present for yourself!

    2. paulyeo


      That was you? Lucky I did not bid for them :). I have enough tanks for the moment... I think.

      And happy birthday!

    3. Bettarazzi


      Yeah I was wondering who the other bidders were too.

  4. LOL first time I've had two birthday threads. Hmm... To mod or not to mod. LOL
  5. I don't have the rules in front of me but the spawn has to be verified by another member and I'm pretty sure I read that both the parents and the fry have to be present. Not sure if there needs to be more than one inspection. I'll need to check that. Apart from that there aren't any other rules. The 2 foot tank is just what I'm willing to give up out of my betta breeding setup. Actually I'm not giving up anything. I don't actually have the tank yet nor anywhere to put it LOL. But I work best under pressure and it's pretty pointless going against my nature. So I'm going to just go shopping with only a very fuzzy idea about species and wing it from there. LOL. The mixing of species is a good idea as long as the apistos aren't bothered by the livebearers and vice versa. Yes I was a boy scout. LOL
  6. I meant emotionally difficult to part with, not that it's hard to find people to sell them to. Just wanted to clarify that for the would be wild betta keepers out there. LOL I am leaning strongly towards the dwarf cichlids. They have been on my wish list for a while now. I did have some Bolivian butterflies about 15 years ago but never managed to get them to spawn.
  7. Where did he hide the ring box when you were swimming out to the falls? Were you thinking, hmm.... is that a ring in your pocket? And did he organise for a cameraman to be there??
  8. Congratulations! But moving into a small apartment? Come on. You're both fishkeepers. You're going to need a fishroom... EACH. I don't have a problem with using bettas as decoration. In fact all your friends and family will be disappointed if they didn't feature in some way. I bet all of them will think Melbourne Aquarium is a perfect choice for the wedding of two fishkeepers. There are any number of ways to keep the fish safe for a few hours. Start with not inviting any boguns. LOL I'll breed them for you if you like.
  9. Different species of bettas would count but I would have a hard time getting rid of them to move onto the next species. Maybe if I did them last.
  10. Angels would be too big for a two foot, wouldn't they? And the parents won't always cooperate with raising the fry so if I had to move the fry or the parents I'd have to take up one of my betta tanks. I have bred angels before in a 2 foot but I had 4 tanks at my disposal so I could separate parents from fry, split the fry and actually had to split up the parents as they got a be aggressive towards each other. Plus I'd have to buy six or so then wait for them to pair up, then get rid of the others. I suppose it's still worth considering. I had thought of cories but wasn't sure about the tank size. There are breeding colonies of cories for sale here in Melbourne. But I thought I'd need a 4 footer to house and breed them. And I've never bred them before. Also had a disaster a couple of years ago with a batch of panda cories that kept dying on me. So a little bit wary. The dwarf cichlids are worth considering. Apart from kribs, what other ones can you get pairs relatively easily ie. from shops? Last time I looked at a tank of German rams, I couldn't tell sexes apart. I've bred a fair number of killies before but I'm really not organised enough to stuff around with the annuals and changing peat over etc. I'm much more interested in the non-annuals and they're sooooooo hard to get a hold of that I've kinda given up trying.
  11. Can I keep a breeding pair of bristlenose as well as their offspring in a 2 ft tank?
  12. I should add that the fish should be reasonably good looking seeing that I'm surrounded by pretty halfmoon bettas. The firetail gudgeons would get zero attention. The convicts will be a problem in terms of getting a pair. I'd have to get a small colony and pair them up and then get rid of the others. I suppose that would be ok if the LFS is likely to take them back. I forgot about platies, so I guess that makes 5.
  13. OK so I was flicking through the Aquarium Society of Victoria handbook the other day and I was reminded that both ASV and EDAS have these breeder badges that you can get once you have bred a certain number of species. I want one. I will probably lose interest after getting the first badge but I reckon I could get that first one within a reasonable period of time and without compromising my betta breeder program. Simply, in order to get the first breeder badge I have to breed (and prove it) 10 species of fish. Unfortunately I only have two species of fish in my fishroom at the moment – bettas and guppies (the guppies that bear an incredibly striking resemblance to endlers don't count ). The no-brainer selections I came up with are mollies and swordtails. That will take me up to 4 species so still need another 6. This is where I need your suggestions. Here are the parameters that I have to work within: - I’m only allocating one standard 2 foot tank (60 x 30 x 30 cm, 55 ltr/15 gal) to this project - so I can only breed one species at a time: breed them, grow the fry (in the same tank), get rid of the lot - the species would ideally be reasonably available to buy and easy to get a pair - parents and offspring have to be able to live in the same tank for the whole time - only simple breeding setups eg. a few floating plants, maybe some java fern or anubias, a flat rock, cave, little bit of gravel, that sort of thing - no special water requirements, must be able to breed in Melbourne tap water
  14. Welcome to the forum Gaven. I've always wanted to breed paradise fish but could never find females.
  15. My mistake. You don't have to multiply by how much you want to flow into the boxes. The drippers will probably be fixed and while you might be able to reduce the flow you won't be able to increase it. The dripper flow rate is sometimes on the dripper label. Not always. If you go to a specialist irigation place they can probably look it up for you. If you go to Bunnings or a nursery then save yourself the frustration and just don't ask. You can test a dripper by pumping water through it and timing how long it takes to fill a container. Yes, looped system = equal pressure. I offer these suggestions having NEVER calculated any of it myself with my drip system. I couldn't be bothered. I just bought the biggest pump I could find in Bunnings. Then bought an even bigger one when the first one was insufficient. The 2nd pump was still inadequate so I ended up using both. Then I changed the configuration to a looped system and don't need the 1st (smaller) pump anymore. So theoretically it's possible to figure it out. But I haven't personally done it that way. Much more fun just to wing it. *lol*
  16. Thanks for that Ray. I'm happy to say that on the tanks that I was complaining about, I can tick off all four of the listed reasons for algae. *lol*
  17. It's not just the height you have to think about. The number of outlets also needs to be considered as well as the layout. A looped layout is more efficient. The flow rate on the drippers will also affect how big a pump you're going to need. Some pumps will have a graph on the box showing how much the flow rate will decrease depending on the height the water has to pump. Drippers also will have a flow rate. The number of drippers x dripper flow rate x the number of litres per hour you want to flow into each box gives you a litres per hour number which you need to match against the height adjusted flow rate for the pump. You really can't choose a pump until you've got a better idea about the design.
  18. That is so nice!! I would never be able to leave the house. Just sit and stare at it all day. What's in the little black pots? Do you spend a lot of time trimming? Algae problems?
  19. Still haven't found a light for underneath the tree?
  20. Welcome kirty. That's an unusual way of shortening Kirsten. Or does it refer to something else completely?
  21. I've never heard anyone say guppies were hard to breed. My guppies don't eat their fry. Wish they would! LOL
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