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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Welcome qbanbetta. Very excited to have someone with your experience on the forum as well as in Melbourne. Especially since you will have been active before the halfmoon and before metallic. I'm hoping you can help me figure out some of the things about the historical development of colour which don't make sense to me.
  2. Bettarazzi

    Aqua nova

    Once your permissions have been granted it's best to ask specific questions in the appropriate sub-forum. In this case: Equipment and DIY
  3. There are several L numbers there. They're not all panaques, are they? I was also asking about the very first fish in the very first post. The triangular one with the broad stripes.
  4. Bettarazzi

    Hi all

    Yes... and resistance is futile. *lol*
  5. The L numbers look fantastic. Can you tell us which is which? And what's that very first stripey fish? He looks HUGE!!
  6. 200? I need 400 of them just for myself. *lol*
  7. Bettarazzi

    Hi all

    Wow that ram looks gorgeous!
  8. Bettarazzi

    Hi all

    Yes, unfortunately with the number of photos that get posted on this forum our hosting costs would sky rocket. But you'll soon get the hang of it. If you like macrostoma and channoides, you'll also like albimarginata. It's a channoides lookalike with only slight differences. What about coccina? You don't like the red body with that green spot?
  9. Well get Budi to join the forum and answer some of these questions!! I'm pretty sure one of my friends grew pogo like mad with just good substrate and a bit of CO2. He could have possibly bought them from a hobbyist who was already growing them submersed though.
  10. Bettarazzi

    Hi all

    Now that is the kind of introduction post that will get you lots of love and RESPECT!!. Ya seeeee?? Now we know you're not a newbie, plenty of experience, can spell and string a sentence together. Everyone is going to bombard you with questions and requests for photos now. I'll start with a request for pics of the L numbers. Love looking, too afraid to buy. And when you say you feel the bug... is that for a particular species of fish or just the bug to keep lots and lots of tanks?
  11. We are very pleased to announce that Neffy and fishbites have accepted our invitation to join the Moderator team on the forum. I'm sure everyone will join me in wishing them well, and of course, cooperate if asked to do something. :)
  12. Bettarazzi

    Hi all

    Momo, I am tentatively approving this post but you haven't been given full permissions yet. We would really like to know a little more about you and your fishkeeping experience. We also need a location in your profile not asking for your home address, just suburb/town, state.
  13. What's the stem plant to the left of the needle leaf and behind a bit?
  14. Chinatown Aquarium is sadly no more. I used to get some good discounts there. Probably why they went out of business. And yes, Boronia Aquarium is FAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR. Halfway to Tasmania as the crow flies. Other good ones are St Kilda Aquarium (now known as Aqueus). @Spanger -- who's "they"? I think you're definitely part of 'the mob' now. :P
  15. Hi Felix. Welcome to AusAqua. Sorry for the slow response. This is first chance I've had to log into the forum today.
  16. That planted tank is gorgeous. Don't suppose you could put in the plant names, could you? Not in a list. On the photo itself so we know which is which.
  17. Yep. Need lots of help. Send your relatives over to build me a proper fishroom. Then I won't have to restrict myself to one 2 ft tank. I wonder if I can get away with passing off LFS mollies as different species: sailfin = P.vellifera, high finned = P.latippina, short fin = P.sphenops. Or will they say those LFS hybridised mutts are just considered the same species like the guppies with endler markings I got from Joan. Because if they accepted it then I could easily do 3 species of molly, guppies, endlers, platies, swordtails
  18. LOL umm.... you have to breed 300 different species of fish. LOL The badge is made of gold.... wait ... maybe it's just gold coloured.
  19. Still celebrating LOL. Being taken out to dinner tonight and there's a family lunch tomorrow.
  20. Perspective Ness. One 2 ft tank to other species, 22 tanks and 66 beanie boxes to bettas. Ok plus the 4 tanks taken up by guppies/endlers. But basically I've got my main betta breeding program, the guppies/endlers are secondary, and one solitary "badge" tank which will probably turn into the wild betta tank. My true calling still screams at me loud and clear. Had a couple of failed betta spawns this week. But that's not the reason. I just want the BADGE. The top level is 300 species. *lol*
  21. Who are you? And what have you done with the real Shadoh??
  22. Yep make sure any holes are wide enough for them to get through.
  23. What diameter PVC pipe and is that size readily available? I'd be worried about the containers being properly secure. LOL@Ness I thought of you when we got to "With me so far?" *lol*
  24. So I'd have to be careful that the species don't look too similar if the fry get mixed up.
  25. I'm assuming in person. It's not such a problem. I'm overdue for another betta spawn. The hardest part will be deciding which ones to spawn and to refrain from spawning more than I can provide decent growing conditions to. But my fishkeeping is going to go from currently a bit over-the-top to completely crazy-loony-have-you-gone-off-your-medication. Seriously will 4 apisto species in a divided tank actually work? Won't they be bothered by their neighbours? And remembering that the fry and their parents have to stay in the same tank for 60 days, isn't it going to get a bit overcrowded in there?
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