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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Who's got them? And how are they being certified? I want some too. The more of us that have them the better we'll be able to keep the genetic diversity. Can you let me know when you have more details? The other thing I want is some wild guppies. Apparently there are some in a national park in Queensland which are in a quite isolated area. It's been documented that they were released there in 1910 which is before fancy guppies were developed.
  2. Not many pure endlers even at the original collection site. But that guy looks pretty good. The one with the shorter top sword looks very typical too.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4qY22rR9tQ
  4. Two people got it.... that's good enough for me. :P
  5. Okay... let's call the whole thing off! :rofl:
  6. You say Patayta, I say Potato!! *lol*
  7. Make sure the rubber rings are in the correct position before you clip it down. What brand/model canister is it?
  8. I love the altum angels. Were they hard to keep? How long did they last?
  9. Thought you were going to join me in the breeder badge quest when I saw the title. LOL. How did you make the duvider? And how does it stay upright? Is it glued in place?
  10. Welcome Ashlea. Great selection of wilds there. Hope you'll bring them along to one of the Victoria Betta shows.
  11. I'm in a camera hating phase. Pretty sure the camera hates me back. The fish hate the camera too. And they definitely hate me. The bristlenose hide the whole time. The platies try to hide but the BNs have taken all the good hiding spots. I've added some male guppies to the tank now to try to make the platies feel safer.
  12. I want these tanks to remain independent of each other rather than sharing water in case I decide to try something that needs slightly different water conditions. However plumbing the tanks so that they can be drained and filled without buckets would be really helpful. The tanks are next to an external wall so I could punch a hole for a pipe which could go out to the garden. IF I knew how to do this properly. LOL.
  13. ROFLMAO @ young and the tankless!! Did you click on the link to the pics on Facebook, Les? Sailfin mollies are definitely on the breeding list. But you know you can never find what you want when you want it. Like the other day when I left the LFS without buying a single thing!! Anyway, I've got the bristlenoses and platies in there at the moment. I'm expecting to find things to breed at the Fish Fair. Trying to breed everything all at once is probably unwise. Next steps I think are to clean up the 3 foot, set up the other 2 foots, need to buy heaters and filters. And I really think I need to consider how to do water changes more efficiently. Can't be doing buckets with this many tanks. The tally in the whole fishroom (turning into a fish house) once all the tanks are set up are: 1 x 3 foot, 4 x 2 foot, 5 x 18 inch, 2 x 30cm cube, 1 x 10 ltr, 16 x 8 litre, that's 29 tanks which have to be individually water changed!! Cripes! I think I'm feeling tired already.
  14. I have a girl that I thought was turning into a boy until she dropped eggs. Has quite long fins for a girl, pointy anal, flares and does the shimmy dance.
  15. Yes. I regret asking. Forgiveness would have been easier to get than permission.
  16. Oh, I found out that the different forms of molly are recognised as separate species, So I'm going to go ahead and call guppies that have Endler markings p.wingei. I don't think the 10 species is going to be sufficiently challenging if 7 of the entries are going to be livebearers. I think I need to aim for the 25 badge. I have an evil plan to reconfigure my shelf of 2 foots to put them side on. That way I can fit FOUR 2 footers on it. I got a big NO from the partner this morning. Not a simple no, but the long-winded, full of sarcasm and ridicule kind of no. But I reckon it was just bad timing. I'll get my way eventually.
  17. Looks creepy huh? Like a deformed squid. Now hurry up and breed then get out of my house!! *lol*
  18. Was going to rush over and have a closer look at the swordtails then remembered they're still at Paul's until I clean out the 3 foot. The 3 foot will be a good place for the livebearers. I could maybe put mollies and swords in there. And any extra fish that I don't need close by. My partner will be feeding the fish in this tank (I hope) so it can only contain fish that will eat dry food. It also can't be divided and has to be able to pass as a display tank. I'm ok with it being a crappy display tank. I put some pics of the BNs and platies on Facebook. Let's see if the link works: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.222908024409685.63557.130620950305060&l=b11cb4a925
  19. No a pair is a pair. But I'd really like the classic old-fashioned ordinary dwarf gourami. They take me back to my very first aquarium which had dwarf gouramis, baby angels, and swordtails. There's been a development. I went to the EDAS meeting tonight and came home with a trio of bristlenoses and 5 platies. I also shared a bag of swordtails with paulman which he's minding while I get some tanks cleaned. I actually have a 3 footer which I haven't factored in mainly because it's in another part of the house that I rarely go to. But I think I'll have to bring it back into action.
  20. I'd love to breed some dwarf gouramis but I haven't seen a female in a long, long time.
  21. I went to the nearest LFS yesterday and the livebearers were all odd looking and I also had trouble finding a matched pair. And they only had a single cacatuoides male. So I came home empty handed, stared forlornly at the empty tank, and before I realised what was happening all these super blue bettas moved in. I tried to tell them the space was reserved but they squeaked something about squatters rights. It's alright. They'll soon tire of each others company and squabble amongst themselves. That's when I'll swoop in and evict them.
  22. Happy Birthday Bev! Hope you had a great day with lots of fishie presents.
  23. I think you mean Seachem Excel. Flourish is the fertiliser. Excel is the carbon substitute.
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