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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Welcome Katy. It's great to see the interest in wild bettas steadily increasing.
  2. I know what you're doing Les. You're trying to get a spawn log regardless. LOL I've got them in a 30 cm cube which holds about 24 litres, sponge filter, needle leaf java fern, tiny bit of frogbit, bare bottom, short length of PVC pipe for cover.
  3. I bought them from Hai. Yes they're the ones that were constantly spawning.
  4. The patoti male is holding eggs. I'm not going to make a spawn log but just use this thread to record the date.
  5. Accredited member is just another club member. Yes parents means both the male and female.
  6. I've actually bought some swordtails but they're being minded by Paul (Melbourne Paul, not Busman Paul or THE Paul) because I can't put them in the same tank as the platies (hybridising risk) and I haven't set up or split any tanks yet. I'm changing jobs soon and I'm hoping to have at least a week off in between, possibly more. Will try not to spend the entire time sleeping but get the fishroom into slightly better order. Long list of things to do. I have to say so far I'm not getting as much pleasure breeding the other fish as I do breeding bettas. The guppies take an interminably long time to colour up. And the bristlenoses are just plain boring. I don't feel I have any control on whether they spawn or not and they're not particularly interesting to watch in the tank.
  7. The Victoria Betta group might have to evolve into the Victoria KGB... Killies Guppies Bettas. Not quite ready yet but I will be hassling you Serkan in due course. Interested in the gardneri, aphyos and the bitaeniatum. Happy to get eggs for hatching if you can be bothered collecting them. Thing is the killies wouldn't go into the temporary breeder badge program. Those fish I'm intending on getting rid off once I've raised the fry to two months. I think once I get killies I'd want to try to maintain them. So I have to seriously think where I'm going to house them. Anyway the tally so far: 1. betta splendens 2. guppies 3. endlers (should drop soon) 4. platies 5. bristlenose Halfway there.
  8. Hi Ran and welcome to the forum. I've split your post out of the other thread because new members need to post their own intro topic. Anyway, welcome, I'm sure everyone will enjoy seeing pics of your guppies.
  9. Yeah dunno. We are supposed to do an upgrade. Maybe that would fix it.
  10. Untick DST Correction and it should be ok.
  11. There was a sump for sale at half price ($200) at the fish fair. Was tempted by it but thought it would be too tall for my setup.
  12. Bad Pyrefly! You should have posted a warning for eBay addicts like me! Oh gawd! I can feel a new hobby coming on. I'm going to need an intervention. You people are such bad influences! Thankfully I can't think of a single thing I'd like to culture. Bolbitis. Who said that? Calamansi limes. STOP IT!!
  13. Woah! Very nice. So neat and tidy! Good job.
  14. I'm pretty sure the bristlenose must have been spawned in my tank. So I'm counting it. Actually there's a betta spawn as well which can be counted. I haven't logged it on account of temporary insanity. The parents were not on my breeding list. I noticed a boy had sprouted in what was an all girls tank. He was blowing bubbles and his sisters next door were giving him a the wiggles. Suddenly there was a net in my hand. I don't recall reaching for it. Besides the net was well out of reach. I would have had to get up and go over there which I don't recall doing. The next day I looked at them with confusion and regret. Why did I put a teal girl with a black and white marble boy when I had more suitable marble girls available? I'll take her out tomorrow, I decided, she doesn't look all that happy and probably won't spawn. Eggs the next day. Sigh. But on the bright side... 3 down, 7 to go. Actually I should check the guppies, bound to be some fry in there.
  15. Well the plates apparently feel safe enough to drop babies. Found about 10 this morning. Not sure when they were dropped. They look quite large. Would've watered her eyes if she had to push them out at that size. LOL. And also found the little fellow.
  16. Why tissue culture? Do the plants grow faster?
  17. Which part are you struggling with?
  18. Never mind you've got plenty more typos that you've missed. ;)
  19. I didn't read that thread because I thought it was about rats. I wondered why none of the mods moved it to the Coffee Shop.
  20. Scizzer tales = horror stories?? Can't keep up with current lingo. *lol*
  21. Yeah I've not known anubias to melt. Crypts on the other hand ...
  22. Awww... I was getting so excited!
  23. I got some anubias at the last betta meeting. I think. Or maybe it was at an aquarium club meeting. Anyway, I didn't have a tank ready for it, of course, and rather than just shove it in a corner I decided to grow it emersed in a takeaway container. I used another takeaway container on top to act as a mini-greenhouse. It sits on top of the tank very close to the lights. It was put on a few new leaves. New leaves are very green and healthy but a lot larger than the original leaves. I'll let it grow a bit more and then I'll put it under water again.
  24. Cape Bowling Green... you might need a permit to collect there. Plus if you collect any you'll HAVE to send me some or I'll be very, very, very, very upset. (
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