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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. They're all sold now but this was the thread. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=12960
  2. Hi all, Some of you will have noticed the reduced activity from Lilli of late. After more than six and a half years at AusAqua, Lilli has decided to hand over the reigns. So effective immediately I will assume ownership of this site. Lilli started this forum along with three friends and has had to deal with some extremely difficult situations over the years. There were the ‘forum wars’, the stalker, the feral members who used AAQ to air their domestic disputes then threatened us with legal action, and not least of all, the sudden and unexplained departure of her fellow admins. But we won’t dwell on the bad times. Lilli has made a tremendous effort in building up and developing the content of this forum. Despite periods of absence she still heads the Top Posters list. We are by and large a happy and friendly forum. This is largely a result of Lilli’s influence on the manner in which we engage with each other. In recognition of this, as my first act as owner, I am giving Lilli the title of Honorary Life Member. It comes with permissions which will allow her to step in should I get hit by a bus and I thank Lilli for agreeing to act as emergency admin. Please join me in thanking Lilli for her contribution to AusAqua and wishing her well in her future endeavours. I hope she will pop in once in a while to say hello and tell us about her latest hobbies. I for one will deeply miss seeing her avatar among the day’s posts.
  3. I love angelfish and the vertical concept. Is it out of the question to discard the Eco complete?
  4. Happy Birthday Les!! Sounds like it's been a great day.
  5. Hmm... need to go through pics of Vic Betta meets to see if there's anyone who isn't already a member here. Who is tigger? Thats our new mission. Or could it be a photo from an ASV or EDAS meet. That's going to be even harder.
  6. Oh that's not a good way to end the year. Never mind hopefully this year will be free of such incidences.
  7. Excellent job!! How much space have you got as a corridor between the racks? I'm trying to figure out how closely I can get racks together in the fishroom I'm planning at the end of next year. Oops, that will in fact be this year... Is that like one of those knife sharpening stones? As opposed to running with scissors? *lol*
  8. Happy New Year everyone! It's been a fantastic 2011. Here's to a terrific 2012. No resolutions from me. Too much on the to do list *lol*
  9. I'm tired just reading the to do list. *lol*
  10. I vote for gravel, plants, heater and filter *lol*
  11. I just wanted to give Ness a public thank you for running the photo comp and making our lovely prize banners. Thank you thank you. I'm sending you big sloppy kisses. Nice ones. Like a puppy dog. Not like some drunk in a bar. :P
  12. Water changed maybe 3 weeks ago. Dwarf gourami females don't have as much colour. Can be hard to find for sale sometimes.
  13. Im waiting for someone in Melbourne to chuck out a 2 foot tank so I can fix a cracked tank. 3 foot would be ok too. I am sure someone would happily take the tank off you so don't send it to the tip.
  14. There's a flag in your profile settings to disable PM. Were you trying to stop people sending you PMs? Clearly it hasn't worked properly. I've turned it back on so you should be able to access now. Let me know if you want to stop PMs and I'll try to see if I can get it to work.
  15. Still a way to go with the badge. Platies have been evicted and replaced with swordtails. Lost all the bristlenose babies probably because of my lazy fish keeping. Also lost one of the females. I got a pair of dwarf gouramis a couple if weeks ago but the male got sick almost straight away and died a couple of days ago.
  16. They are gorgeous. And so blazingly white.
  17. Community Tank section is where it should go like Sarah said.
  18. Seems like the existence of these has slipped some of your minds. The Board Rules are here: http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules. They appear on the Board Index page right next to 'View New Content'. I'd like to highlight the following points in particular: This is a private forum. If you wish to participate, you are required to abide by these Rules. Defamatory content must not be posted Material which is false or defamatory must not be posted. This includes information naming individuals, corporations and businesses which is critical of that individual, corporation or business. An example would be a post titled "I HATE PetPotatoes stores, they are cruel and disgusting". Defamatory posts expose all members to legal liability. They shall be removed at the complete discretion of the AusAqua Team. If material is posted in breach of the Rules set out above, any one or more of the following may result: The post may be edited or deleted without reference to you The entire thread may be deleted without reference to you
  19. Storm. Full moon. Spawn or hop in the freezer. Your choice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zhong89


      do you have ice cream in the freezer? if so I want the freezer!

    3. kertaz


      so what was the result? :D

    4. melbournebetta


      i hope you had more luck with all that loony lunar activity than i did!!

  20. Ooh the corys are cute! More pics. And just in case no one is around to bump. You can repost after 10 minutes. We know you must have tons more.
  21. Happy Birthday Hai! What were your presents?
  22. Try sending a PM to KillieOrCory. He's most likely to have some available.
  23. Yes you should be able to use the same link in the PM.
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