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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Hey Felix, whereabouts are you in Indonesia? There are some good breeders I can hook you up with if you're interested in getting better quality fish. The guys I know all travel to Thailand and around SE Asia regularly to attend IBC shows so even if they're not breeding what you're looking for, they can always bring something back for you.
  2. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Have you got link to the thread Matt? I did a quick search but nothing obvious jumped out. I was interested simply in keeping the wild type guppy, not particularly to breed into my line. But of course if the marking are great then I would definitely do it.
  3. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Only because you refered to the double post. Netiquette prevents me from now removing it. I've only got one line of guppies I'm trying to develop. The goal is a double sword with wild type colouring and the addition of endler type markings. I should make a thread I know. I was kinda waiting until I was a bit further along or at least more organised with the breeding program so people wouldn't have to wait forever for updates. I find it takes 6-8 months for the males finnage to develop properly. But that could just be bad husbandry on my part.
  4. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Ahh... see now I can't delete the double post.
  5. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Yes that's exactly what I meant.
  6. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Yes that's exactly what I meant.
  7. I don't bother with aeration if I'm only hatching a small amount of eggs. I make up the brine in 2 ltr bottles using 2 and a half tablespoons of rock salt, half teaspoon bicarb, half teaspoon Epsom salts. Pour 1 cup of brine into a suitable container (eg a cup LOL) and put a pinch of brine shrimp eggs in it. I find warmth is more important than light.
  8. Bettarazzi

    Guppie genetics

    Just be careful with the outcrossing because you can completely destroy all the work you've done so far. You can sustain a line for quite a while by breeding cousins rather than siblings. When you outcross to a completely unrelated line, try to find fish that are known to carry the trait you're after. And keep some of your original line in reserve so that you can cross them back if things start to go haywire. The thing I like about guppies is that you don't have spawning problems that you get with bettas. The thing I find difficult is in fact preventing them from spawning. So far I haven't been diligent enough at separating the sexes. So developing my line is extremely hit and miss. Mostly miss.
  9. You should have got some brine shrimp eggs while you were there. They are pretty easy as well. Unless you're not good at following instructions. And bbs don't stink.
  10. Do they look like they're eating anything? You're really going to have to figure something out if you want them to survive. Otherwise it might be better to just let the other fish snack on them.
  11. I'd forgotten that you'd succumbed to crowntails.
  12. Australe are one of my favourites. Has a nice colony of chocolate australe going a few years ago. Sadly lost the lot when I got a bit busy and neglected their tank. Planning on getting back into killies at the end of next year when I'll have new fishroom.
  13. I think there used to be a place that sold saplings. I'd be more inclined to get that rather than start from seed. Has your tree started to drop leaves Les? And do the leaves have the same fragrance as the leaves from thailand? I'm just wondering if there are different varieties of Indian almond. I was sent some leaves from someone in Qld once which had no fragrance at all. Mind you they were picked while green and then dried which is not what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to collect the leaves after they fall off naturally.
  14. If you copy the image url you can embed it like this. [img=http://www.trident-gaming.net/forums/uploads/gallery/album_74/gallery_1365_74_127673.jpg] So that it appears like this.
  15. I'm usually at work in the middle of the day so I'm not at home to move things around. No I think the best thing for me is to try to get it in the fishroom where it will be warm and rig up some artificial lighting for it.
  16. No go on the north facing wall unfortunately. The front of my house faces north but the only windows there are the bedroom. Don't think it would go down too well if I tried to grow a tree in the master bedroom! *lol*
  17. They look great. Wondering if I can't grow one in the fishroom. It will be warm enough, but would have to set up artificial lighting for it. Would be fine when it's still small but maybe not so good later on unless I keep it well pruned.
  18. And there's a cat or something looking in. Also on the right, about a quarter way down from the top.
  19. Interesting piece of driftwood. Is this going to be fully planted out?
  20. I'm planning to heat the whole room. The entire setup will change. But I won't hijack your thread.
  21. FORTY guppies!! You're going to have your hands full. LOL. Excess guppies can be difficult to get rid off particularly if they're not pure line bred colour strains. I suggest that you separate the babies from each mother into a different tank. Then from about 3 weeks you can start identifying the females by a dark spot behind the anal fin. Remove the juvenile females so they stay virgins. Then you can mate them with the best looking males.
  22. Very exciting Sarah. I'm getting a new fishroom as well. We can compare notes. I will start my own fishroom thread at some stage.
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