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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Yeah I think shadoh's right. I can't see how to do it from the normal user control panel. Send me a PM and I'll do it for you.
  2. Bettarazzi


    Most people say, "SHOO-ster-die", I think. For me they're the macrostoma equivalent of the killifish world. Beautiful fish.
  3. Just start another one I think. I couldn't find a neat way of splitting this one and still have it make sense.
  4. Sounds like an interesting topic which deserves a thread all of its own. No?
  5. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to change it for you. Apparently on this Board the power to control time is left entirely in the hands of the user. If you go into My Settings (well your settings actually) and uncheck 'DST correction' and uncheck 'DST currently in effect', that should work.
  6. I just realised today that even though I bumped this topic I didn't actually notice that my own clock settings were wrong.
  7. Wow! I hope my new fishroom in the new house looks nearly as good! Was going to start a thread about my temporary fishroom but I think I'm all embarrassed now. Your fishroom is way bigger than mine is going to be.
  8. I'll upload the lighter favicon just as soon as my broadband is working again. Been restricted to doing everything one iPhone and iPad for two weeks now. Very boring.
  9. http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com.au/viewitem?itemId=200733427936&index=0&nav=SEARCH&nid=41849554420. Hopefully that link works. I'm doing this on my phone.
  10. Bettarazzi


    Hope you get a few more Les. Preferably of each gender. And if you only get one I hope it's a boy.
  11. You're probably not going to be able to tell apart with any certainty. So from here on they're A. gardneri aquarium strain.
  12. Bumping in case your clock settings are a bit skewed.
  13. Very cute! What species are they? Gardneri N'sukka?
  14. I'm just Interested in how other people manage their guppy program. Funny how with guppies the hard part is stopping them spawning whereas with bettas the hard part is getting them to spawn. Well for some of us.
  15. Bumping this because there have been some rather large sigs appearing lately.
  16. Do you keep all the drops from a pairing? Or just the first drop? What I mean is: you choose a pair and mate them, 4 weeks later there's a drop of fry. It's going to take a few months before you can choose the next gen but in the meantime the female will keep dropping fry every 4 weeks. Are you keeping those? Or cull them and wait for the first lot to show their form? I'm planning on exercising a bit more discipline with my guppy program so I'm just trying to figure out the logistics of how many tanks etc. I know some people raise all the drops separately.
  17. Well done Les. How old are they when you make the selection for the next generation?
  18. And they're so damn hard to catch. I feel your pain. I always end up having to remove everything from the tank -- plant, heater, filter -- and it STILL takes far too long. Lately I've just been completely indiscriminate with the net. Just scoop anything. Then I hold the net at the surface with just enough water to keep them damp but not allow them to move. Then I use a white plastic spoon to pick out each fish to examine it and then chuck it into the appropriate container. Still extremely tedious.
  19. Yes, great job Neffy. Thank you for doing that. Ness' angelfish should go up too. And I suppose Matt is really going to want his vomiting one now! *lol*
  20. Striatum is NICE! I've always liked them.
  21. I suppose but generally I do that mostly with the plant spawners (aphyosemion, fundulopanchax, epiplatys etc) when I'm going to incubate the eggs in water. With the peat spawners (nothobranchius, hmm can't remember the other names) you wouldn't bother because the drying of the peat will allow the newer eggs to catch up and they all hatch at the same time anyway.
  22. You may have already known this but I'll mention it for the benefit of the killi novice. If you separate the males and females you'll get more eggs in one go when you finally put them together. Say every two weeks or so. That way all the eggs will also hatch around the same time. And you'll have a decent number of fry to raise.
  23. Following on from a comment made by Les about having an archive of the best videos posted on AusAqua I thought about it a bit and decided to take it a little further. Rather than anyone and everyone sticking videos in the gallery I've decided to call for nominations for the rest of the year and then have the entries voted on and judged. And to also open it to photographs as well as videos. So this is how it's going to work. Until November 30th 2012, whenever someone posts a video that you really like, you can make your nomination in this thread. At the end of the year, the nominations will collated and we'll have an outside judge (who is still to be found) choose a winner and we will also hold a people's choice vote. Depending on how many entries we get, some or all of these will make it into a permanent gallery which we will house somewhere on the forum (yet to be decided). How to make your nomination Simply click on the Quote button (YES! You finally get to use it!) and quote the post that contains the video or photograph. Please remove any comments or discussion around the photo/video link, then paste it in this thread. It's important that you keep the quote information which will show who the original poster of the video was. Here's an example showing the cleaned up code and the result. [quote name='paul' date='17 March 2012 - 09:27 AM' timestamp='1331936821' post='151425'] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg_B6VhPky0&feature=player_detailpage[/quote] Rules Only videos which were posted on the AusAqua forum between 1st January and 30th November 2012 are eligible for nomination. Videos must be the original work of the original poster not something they found while trawling YouTube. In terms of copyright, if YouTube are ok with it, I'm ok with it. Photos and videos can be on any aquarium related content and can be instructional or artistic You can't nominate your own video or photo but there's nothing stopping you 'hinting' to someone else that your video is fabulous enough to be nominated. Judging Criteria Photos and videos will be judged on composition, quality and subject matter. Prizes A fabulous badge that you can wear proudly in your signature plus possibly some other prize (yet to be decided ) One other thing... Please don't clutter up this thread with comments about how much you agree with the nomination. You can express your appreciation to the video/photo owner by clicking on the little arrow at the top of the quote which will take you back to the original post. The little arrow might not be visible to people on smartphones. Sorry, you'll just have to hop onto a computer. And a little note to Les Thanks for the idea. If you want to nominate Paul's video you're going to have to do a proper nomination because my example above doesn't count. Hint: just copy what I've done and repost it. :)
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