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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Bettarazzi

    Guppie Shopping

    Are the pingus a stronger pink in real life?
  2. One hundred and thirty fish! That's probably about the number of gardneri that sold throughout Australia for the whole year! LOL
  3. Bettarazzi

    Guppie Shopping

    Pingu... please explain. I know I could just Google it. But firsthand information is so much better, no?
  4. Cories and otos would be fine with the killies I think. I wonder if the boys might hassle the girls a bit too much. My inclination would be to set up a separate tank for the girls and only put them with the males when you want to collect some eggs. You would get more eggs that way and the females don't get hassled constantly.
  5. Gosh they look so similar. If I had them both in my fishroom I think I might get them mixed up. The mahachai looks to have more green irid than the smaragdina which would be counterintuitive for my aging brain. I would naturally expect the smaragdina (emerald) would be more green.
  6. Hi Anna. I sympathise with your predicament but the etiquette on this forum is that you introduce yourself first before asking specific questions. I am approving your access because I understand that you're concerned about your sick fish. You would get a better response if you reposted your question in the Clinic forum (now that you have been granted access). Not everyone reads the Introductions forum. Hopefully someone with more knowledge about diseases will be able to answer your question in the Clinic forum.
  7. Looks great. Looks huge compared to mine. Very jealous. Love the pictures on the wall. I keep meaning to put up some of my better photos but I never get around to it.
  8. I saw a sensational male guppy tank on an LFS crawl a couple of years ago. I've been meaning to set up something similar ever since. I can understand where you're coming from. But Ness. You.. umm.. should I say it? ... Oh what the hell. You don't have enough. You need lots more. I mean lots and lots. And they have to be all different colours and patterns to get the lollie effect. go easy on the black ones. They will get outshone in a multi coloured male guppy tank.
  9. I think Paul's been drinking Ness' coffee.
  10. Hmm it's very odd that it's just you. I'm not sure what could have changed either at your end or the forum end.
  11. The Apple Store? Oh, you mean you logged into the forum on a machine at the Apple Store. Yeah.... not sure about this one. Let's see if anyone else is having issues.
  12. Not sure why it's not working for you. New content seems to work for me on all the devices that I browse the forum on (MacBook, iPad, iPhone, and the crappy work PC, shush about that). Maybe you could try clearing out your browsing history, cookies and cache to see if it fixes itself. It could mean that everything will become unread but you could perhaps use the 'Todays active content' button to check the latest posts and then mark the board read after that. Maybe I should stop procrastinating with the upgrade.
  13. Yeah, not using the gutter, drip, sump system. My complaints about the old system are that it leaked often and there was a great deal of evaporation which increased the humidity to unacceptable levels in the small, closed room. I thought I would just try to make the water changes easier. So they only have shared heating, not worrying about filtration. Water quality was going to be maintained only by regular water changes. But I thought I could make the water changes less manual. I might have to go back to manually siphoning each beanie box and use the tubing that's been set up only to fill them.
  14. The plan WAS to bubble wrap the window. But I didn't do it before the tanks were put up and now I think it will be a lot harder. By the time I muster up the motivation winter will be over and it will be time to move again. LOL. My priority this week was to do something about automating water changes in the beanie boxes. I had this idea, which didn't seem at all silly when I first came up with it, of using the existing tubing from the recycling drip system to set up a permanent siphon to drain the tanks and then refill. Not entirely silly since I'd seen this done in another fishroom although it was done with much larger tanks. Why did I think it would work on beanie boxes? Well, when it was a recycling system, every time I turned the pump off the water flow would reverse and the beanie boxes would start to drain, rapidly filling the sump and spilling onto the carpet. I soon learnt to break the siphon action by lifting the dripper tubes out of the water. But it was quite a juggling act because I needed to get at least 4 of them out of the water to successfully stop the siphon. Anyway, remembering that this used to happen I thought I could use this to my advantage. I didn't want to set the drip system back up in this temporary fishroom because I wanted to change the layout of those L-shaped shelves. Plus the gutters I was using had to be ripped apart in order to get them out of the room and I didn't fancy gluing them all back together again. So I thought, no problem, use that siphoning action to your advantage. Set it up as essentially a permanent siphon which will allow me to fill and drain whenever I want. It's taken quite a bit of effort to get the drip tubing back up, convert everything to the new layout, put heating cords down, etc. Today was the big day for doing the first water change. And yep, you guessed it, you knew where this was leading, IT DOESN'T WORK! I couldn't get it primed. No matter how hard I tried, the siphon kept breaking. SIGH. Back to square one.
  15. No you weren't dreaming. You did post last night. But when I saw it this morning it seemed to me to be a complete cut and paste from another forum without any indication that the content owner had granted permission. So I hid that post but didn't have time to send a PM. Since this post has now been up for several hours I'm going to leave it up. But could you please seek permission from the owner of those photos. I'll start a new thread to discuss copyright so there's no need to hijack this thread any further. I know this can be a gray area for many of us including me. Just bear with me while I put my thoughts together.
  16. Adult guppies never eat enough fry for me to notice IME. :P
  17. See how their poo is yellowish? Probably the colour of their food. The gravid spot is dark gray to black. Look at the underside from behind rather than from the side. Might be easier if you examine them out of water. Just be quick and they should be ok.
  18. You work at Aquarium Industries!! So you can be our man on the ground. Tell us what's in stock, etc? Ahead of everyone else finding out??
  19. Yes I wondered that as well. Are you only cutting it up so you can get into the room? Then it get welded back together again?
  20. Like a cartoon cliche but not so funny?
  21. Love the lounge room. LOL. How on earth did you manage to get permission for that?
  22. It is quite painful. The siphon I use is one of those that have a bulb to help start the siphon action. I just keep pumping until enough water comes out. I also have a battery operated siphon pump thingy that I bought from an LFS. I think I chucked out the box when I moved so can't tell you the brand or even its name. It's basically a hand held pump with an extendable tube attached. Unfortunately it needs a minimum water depth of around 20 cm. It's ok for the larger tanks but I find I get bored stuffing around with it. Don't remember how much it was but I don't think it was cheap. Or maybe it was don't remember. In the new fishroom everything will be raised at least 40 cm of the floor.
  23. And to be perfectly honest, you keep posting that you are looking for fish, people keep giving you contacts, nothing seems to happen and you're still looking. It's perfectly understandable for people to veer off topic in this thread. They're bored! The "most number of replies" you've ever had?? You don't seem to understand the situation with killifish in this country. At the time of your initial request there were ONLY TWO PEOPLE in Australia who had killifish AND were willing to ship them to you. They both responded to your thread. That's a 100% response rate. Since then, Les has got into killies and he too has made an offer to you. Why you cannot get this happen is beyond me.
  24. Yeah I just find Sketchup a bit time consuming. And I'm a bit challenged when I'm using it. Also not available for iPad. I did most of the drawings on the train into work. 24 March, 2.30pm The first rack has been moved, fish in it, filters on. See the floorboards? No more mouldy carpets. Just as well since this is a rental house. LOL 25 March, 7am The breeder tanks are done. This took much longer than I expected. Worked on it till late the previous night then got up again at 4am. By this stage I was too stressed and tired to think about taking pics. The next few days were a nightmare of very little sleep and hard physical labour. It wasn't just moving the fish that had to happen. We also had to pack the rest of the house up. We'd lived there for 25 years so you can imagine the amount of stuff we'd amassed. The next couple of pics were taken well and truly after the move was over. Actually a couple of weeks after the move. I decided to set up a 3 foot tank that had been sitting idle, despite my resolve not to ADD anything more to my temporary setup. Oh well, so much for good intentions. It houses the remains of my b. patoti spawn. They are doing much better now with more tank space and reduced numbers after I sold 12 at the EDAS auctions. Some of you will have seen the nicely coloured up male on my Facebook page. (click the FB icon in my sig if you're interested.) Back view of the reconfigured L shaped shelving. Front view. The beanie boxes are simply sitting on the shelf with no heating or filtration and no easy way to do water changes. They've been like that for weeks now. I have had to heat the whole room just for them. And 100% water changes every few days. But I have taken steps now to improve that situation and I'll put up pics of that once it's finished.
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