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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. All drainage will have to go to the sink. The floor will be tiled and there will be a waterproof membrane. Couldnt fully plan the electrics because I hadn't fully planned out the room or decided on heating the room or the tanks. There will be power points at chest height on every wall but I'm sure I'll have to use a lot of powerboards. The disadvantage of using one of the bedrooms as a fish room seems to be that I have to make some decisions prematurely. I suppose a lot of things can be changed later.
  2. Ugh duckweed. I'd be removing it. Dunno about the form. Some of my algae ridden tanks do that.
  3. Bettarazzi

    What to call it

    It's an interesting and not unattractive pattern. Unfortunately I don't know much about guppy patterns or colours. Still working my way through Phillip Shaddocks books.
  4. It's not sorted. I hate doing water changes at the moment. Such a drag. The new fishroom will definitely have a sink. So there will be taps and drain. But the plumbing in and out of the fish tanks will be my problem to sort out. I'd love to have a large water aging tank in the room but I feel it will take up valuable space in an already small room (3 x 3 metres) which would be better used for aquariums.
  5. Yes you can turn PMs off if you want. It's not possible to ignore only certain types of posts eg non-fish posts. You're ignoring all of that users posts. And I think all it's is doing is not showing those threads when you view new content, so it just automatically marks all of the ignored users posts as read.
  6. You have to make sure you're on the forums tab when you hit View New Content. Can someone please take a screenshot next time it happens? I'm not convinced an update will fix it.
  7. Yes it's probably worth saying that it is not acceptable behaviour on this forum for any member to harass another. If anyone feels this is happening they should report it to an admin or moderator so that it can be dealt with appropriately. Of course if you just find some people's posts dull then that's entirely different. I can't wave a wand and magically make people interesting. So go ahead and block them.
  8. Go to your Control Panel --> My Settings --> Profile --> Manage Ignored Users. This link should take you there.
  9. Black crossed to red will often give you a brownish colour especially on the body. It would not be my choice because to get clean reds you need to get rid of black.
  10. You can set a specific privacy setting eg. friends, public or just me, in order to control who sees the posts. The app will still post to your wall but it will only be visible according to your setting for that app. And you can change this later too of you change your mind. Once a week water change is what we all aim to do. But life does get in the way a bit.
  11. Pre-ordered mine. Looking forward to getting it although I haven't finished reading the Guppy Genetics Simplified book yet.
  12. If you like unexpected results then you could breed him with anything and just see what happens.
  13. Saw this on Facebook. Looks interesting. Not sure if I want everyone to know how 'often' (snort) I do water changes or test my water. LOL http://www.aquarium-manager.com/
  14. I would stick with red type females. I would try to find a red butterfly girl but I suspect your choice will be limited so any red will do.
  15. Bettarazzi

    F. Striatum

    The new house is a plot of bare earth at the moment. Won't be ready for awhile. I'm tempted to get some killies before then. I need them for my breeder badge after all. But that means setting up another tank ot two... Let me think about it. Thanks for the offer though. Striatum are one of my faves.
  16. Very cool. Presumably we could just selectively breed them ourselves? OK everybody breed snails. *lol*
  17. I like their colour and pattern. Everyone should memorise where the iridescence and red colour appears. It's like a blueprint for basic betta colours.
  18. There are different coloured ramshorns? I thought it was mystery/apple snails that came in different colours.
  19. Welcome to the forum Cristelle. Probably best to ask the question in the Clinic forum. More chances of getting seen by the right people.
  20. Bettarazzi

    F. Striatum

    Excellent. How often are you collecting eggs?
  21. Your crowntail girl would also be a good match for the pink cambodian male.
  22. You might be able to sell the Oscar to another hobbyist when they have outgrown the tank. Just pop it in the Classifieds when the time is right. You'll probably get a bit more than you would get at a shop. I kept my first two Oscars in a 3 foot tank for quite a long time. They even spawned in there although I had no idea how to raise the babies at the time. You should be able to enjoy them for a reasonable length of time before you have to move them on. Who knows? You might be ready to get a bigger tank by then.
  23. She has her birthday hidden both on here and Facebook! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NESS! :bighug:
  24. The winner doesn't need a banner. They'll have THEIR banner up in place of the forum banner. How much more fame does one person need I ask you?
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