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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Happy Birthday Lisa! And it's a milestone one, isn't it? Wishing you a wonderful day and fantastic year ahead.
  2. Happy Birthday, Jess! Hope you're having a great day!
  3. The sink doesn't have to be inside the room if you don't have space but maybe just outside would be great. And if you store equipment just outside as well that will mean more space inside for tanks. If you can, try to organise plumbing for water to get to each tank and to go out of each tank you will have a top notch fish room. For my fish room I'm planning on drilling every tank with an overflow hole somewhere near the top which will then be connected to a drain system. And also under every rack I'll set up some plumbing to allow me to siphon a tank directly into a drain without using buckets.
  4. I like how you've got the süßwassertang to grow on the driftwood. Or is it just floating?
  5. Fantastic setup! Great job everyone. Did a lot of the general public come through?
  6. The silver sharks will grow about 1cm a month maybe a bit more. Think of this as an opportunity to get more tanks. :)
  7. I thought we already talked about how the caffeine doesn't go so good with your medication.
  8. Oh wow! I didn't realise there were freshwater pipe fishes. There should be freshwater seahorses. Lakehorses? Riverhorses?
  9. I would build insulated walls around that section which can then be insulated. It would be too hard to maintain temperature otherwise. How much space are we talking about?
  10. I'm at the early stages of doing my own fish room. Are you allowed to disclose the supplier? Swiss tropicals is fine if you're only after a couple of pieces but for a whole fishroom it gets a bit expensive. Is it really necessary to have that much sponge in every tank? Or is that just because it's convenient to use it that way?
  11. I'd love to see more of the fish room layout. Didn't understand that big pece of foam you swam under. And woah your tank is big enough to swim in? LOL. that's a heck of a lot of foam you seem to have. How much did you buy?
  12. The classifieds are probably the best place to run group buy threads, or shared shipping.
  13. Gravel is fine in a planted display tank. I tend to avoid it in spawn tanks and fry tanks. But display tanks look better with gravel.
  14. Hey Kitz! Welcome back. Haven't seen you around in a while. Presumably these bags aren't suitable for bettas, gouramis etc?
  15. What does this plastic tree look like? The java moss won't be able to stick to it in the same way as wood but it should stick a little bit and if there is netting to hold it down that should be fine. You can use wood you find. Try to use hardwoods. They last longer.
  16. Very sad how the species disappear. Will definitely let you know if I spot any in Melbourne.
  17. It's very odd that it works for some people and not others. This would sound more like a browser issue because the Board hasn't changed at all.
  18. Generally the prettier the snail the easier it is to keep the numbers down. Ugly snails breed FAST. *lol*
  19. Hmm... just have to figure out a way to watch at work without getting sprung.
  20. Something to think about is how much room you have above the barracks to remove a divider that isn't flexible. If your Perspex dividers are 30 cm you would need nearly the same amount of room above. Not a problem if it's just a single barracks but if there are several on shelves you might have a problem.
  21. Don't know why they can't just leave things be.
  22. Nothing has changed as far as I'm aware. Are you using the same device?
  23. Oily slick could be a protein build up or algae. Either way you need to increase filtration or increase water changes to get rid of it. It shouldn't mean imminent death for your fry however.
  24. Ok then. You go right away and do that. That will stop the stalkers. LOL
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