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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. I tend to get dark green or black in the hope that the eggs will be easier to see when I pick through the mop. But I haven't compared with a lighter colour.
  2. Ayden haven't you got another account named plakathunter? I haven't given full rights to plakathunter123. If you are having problems with the other account it would be better to sort that out rather than starting a new account. Please send an email to admin@ausaqua.net to clarify.
  3. Finnage and colour seem quite different from the Google pic.
  4. Yep, what Ashlea said. Don't mix and slightly soft water will suit most of the killies you're likely to get in shops. But no, not all killies like the same water. The American Killifish Association is where I usually start my research.
  5. Agree about the hood. They always seem to make the setup look really bulky.
  6. Your photobucket links are all screwed up.
  7. Puppy with the runs seems more punishment for the owner than the puppy.
  8. When you go to your messenger you can see a storage percentage on the left hand side. To delete messages tick the the checkbox on the right of each message then scroll to the bottom and hit delete. Junior Members have a limit is 25 stored messages, Seniors have 50 I think.
  9. Hmm... I didn't even look at the date. Oh well...
  10. So where are the pics with Paul's tip applied? :P
  11. Mineral turps will get the glue off then methylated spirits to clean off the turps then wash with soap and water. It's on the outside of the bottle so it shouldn't contaminate anything.
  12. Yes I think we might need to get Subscape to order some. Was trying to resist adding another species while I'm still in temporary accommodation but what the hell. They're too gorgeous to resist.
  13. Yes fish and tank photography is an art all its own. Using a phone adds even more challenges. Which phone are you using? What can you control?
  14. Definitely give cherries a go. How about aquascaping the tank as well?
  15. Sensational. Can't wait to see it in a few months when everything's settled in. Will you be doing the maintenance? Or will your client be getting his hands wet?
  16. Bettarazzi


    Aww... that's so nice! Thanks Kyle and welcome. Hope to hear from you more often now.
  17. Posts with pictures will always get the LOVE! Good job. Looks very pro. Slide out dividers is truly inspired! I'd love more details on how it slots together. How do the slots lock together? Is it simply a tight fit?
  18. I hate that you're able to grow papayas. :P
  19. I read somewhere that the worms are sensitive to chlorine and straight tap water could actually kill them. Unfortunately I can't find the source. I certainly found that using dechlorinated water I had hardly any worms die. When I use straight tap water a few worms die every day. You can see them turn white. Maybe we should run a little AusAqua experiment.
  20. I got some Makurdi from that shipment. I think there some Poliaki and striatum as well
  21. Mineral turps can also soften the silicone a little. It's going to be slow going but if you're patient you should be able to make enough cuts until you can pry it off without breaking anything. Or slicing your hand off. :P
  22. Happy Birthday Jarrod! Enjoy the celebrations!
  23. Grr... Can't seem to view the video on my iPad. Such a bad move upgrading to iOS6. I have to take everyone else's word for it that they look fabulous.
  24. The best fish photographer EVER is Hristo Hristov aka AQUASAUR. His killie photos are just amazing. He's done some bettas as well but so far the ones I've seen haven't been top show quality. This example is ok because you can't see his form.
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