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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Forum upgrade FAIL! What a disaster that little activity was. Sorry about that everyone. If you weren't around (aren't you lucky), the forum went offline last night after I failed at my attempt to upgrade it to the latest version. And then more stress this morning as I attempted to restore from backup and kept getting timeout errors. What a nightmare! I am going to attempt an upgrade again but this time I'll get Tech Support to do it. There will be a few changes that will occur, the main one which will affect everyone is that there will be only one profile pic, not an avatar as well as a profile pic. So your action is to save your avatars and profile pics. Most of you are probably linking to a Photobucket file anyway, although I think the avatars are actually stored on the board, not sure. Anyway, save them so you can reload them if required. The other thing that seemed to change was signatures. But it looked like a setting was missing to translate html code in sigs. Might just be a process I need to run. But to be safe, you might want to save your signatures just in case. Haven't decided when I'll request the upgrade. I need time to get over the last 24 hours! It won't be before next Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
  2. Hi Willy. Please tell us a bit more about yourself and your fish keeping experience.
  3. But if poliaki was all you could get I'd still get them. Might be a bit of a challenge but would be a good learning experience.
  4. I think the bulge might be his swim bladder. It does look larger than normal. If it's an infection I'd expect to see other signs eg not eating or swimming funny.
  5. They should be ok for a couple of days. I would try to get some microforms or vinegar eels from someone in Sydney.
  6. Can't say exactly how high they can jump but it would just be safer with a lid.
  7. My cats just like using the racks as a climbing frame. They ignore the fish.
  8. Please, please tell me that you're sleeping in the lounge room and using the bedroom as a fish room! LOL
  9. If your camera is able to change the exposure length you could try taking a long slow exposure shot eg 10 seconds, maybe even longer.
  10. That second angel is pretty spectacular.
  11. I would keep searching for LEDs that are around 6500K. I was under the impression there were people making them specifically for aquascapers.
  12. And if they're blue but carrying the blond gene... PAR-TAY!
  13. Blue fish tend to be less aggressive than red fish. Relatively. Maybe.
  14. You should be nice to your wife. Give her what she wants. LOL
  15. I find they need a decent amount of light. Other than that they're quite easy.
  16. I've connected CO2 to the canister and found it worked well. Just found it annoying refilling the bottles constantly. It's a good way to start out though.
  17. Get Ian back to extend the slab.
  18. Shemma, did you forget the password to your old account? I can reset it for you or consolidate the old account with this one. The answer to your question is: no. Not via Fishchick anyway.
  19. Sounds like a plan. Good luck.
  20. Repeated rinsing will eventually get rid of it all but disinfecting as Les suggested will be faster.
  21. Are you planning on crossing them to single tails as well?
  22. Did you load the pics onto a picture hosting website first? Like photobucket or picasa or Flickr. Once you've done that you gab the URL of the picture put it between IMG tags for example: [img=http://picturehost.com/myfish.jpg]
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