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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Welcome to the forum Lorraine. Probably best to repost the question in the genetics forum. Just because not everyone will see it here in introductions. With photos, you need to load it first on a free picture hosting website. Many of us use photobucket. But there are others. Then you grab the URL from the Photobucket and paste it here between tags. There are more instructions in the Fishy Showroom forum.
  2. Hmm haven't looked at that front page in ages. Can't promise changes are coming. Well not soon anyway.
  3. Who you calling a tumbleweed? Those albi won Best of Variety over the macs which I thought was nice.
  4. All the fish hide? It really sounds very odd.
  5. It may not seem bright to you but to them it's quite startling. I would buy a timer and set the lights to go on for a set amount of time each day. They should then get used to the light schedule. I have my lights go on for about 2 hours in the morning so I can feed them before I go to work. Then the lights come on again in the evening for another 5 hours or so. In the morning, the lights are actually coming on after sunrise so the fish have already woken up and it's not such a shock. And in the evening the lights are coming on before sunset so they're never in total darkeness when the lights come on.
  6. Well if you weren't aiming for anything then you've definitely reached that goal. *lol*
  7. Good job on the hairgrass. Not so sure about the arrangement of the stones. What's the look you're going for?
  8. Generally with any method of aquascaping whether it's NPT or something else, using a ton of plants right from the start produces better results both aesthetically and for algae control. I've seen some stunning scapes that had only gravel as the substrate and liquid fertiliser applied periodically. Not sure how much of a terrestial gardener you are but you can treat the hairgrass like any pot bound plant you get from the nursery. Just tease it out gently or divide it by cutting. You need to encourage those roots to spread. I have successfuly made my own root tabs by wrapping a tiny amount (say 6-8 pellets) of Native Plant Osmocote in a bit of unbleached paper towel and shoving it into the substrate. The paper is really there to hold it together while you're shoving it in. After that it rots away under the substrate while the Osmocote slowly releases. To be honest I would just keep it simple if I were you. The design you've started out with will look good if you just stick to hair grass growing around rocks. So get 5 or 6 pots of hair grass or however many you reckon you need to spread out through the whole tank. You also need 3 rocks: small, medium and large that will give your design some structure. Just plain gravel with no root tabs or anything. But perhaps use some liquid ferts and liquid carbon. And do weekly water changes.
  9. You should separate the hair grass a bit more. Just plant 3-4 strands in each spot. And do 50% daily water changes until it settles down.
  10. I hope someone will post pictures for those of us who can't make it.
  11. I think it gets really hard to predict outcomes if there are too many traits at play in the pairing. I guess that's when my approach would be to just put them together and see what comes out. Then in the next generation try to get some control back.
  12. My fishroom isn't ready for killies yet. I'd like to say it will be ready soon but I'd be lying. I could barely cope with the few tanks and bettas I had before, then I went nuts at the Show and came home with far more than I can handle with manual water changes. Really need to fix that.
  13. Bettarazzi


    Welcome Ron. I'd love to have a go at breeding paradise fish but can never locate females.
  14. Bettarazzi


    Wow! They're looking great! Love that last photo.
  15. Hahaha. Hope they're male and female.
  16. Bettarazzi


    The fry are looking great. Very healthy looking.
  17. Oh ok. I have seen those at Bunnings in that case. I thought they looked different. You're not the only procrastinator around here. :blush:
  18. Haven't noticed those lights at Bunnings before. Ae they all wired ready to go? What brand? and how cheap is cheap?
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