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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Bettarazzi

    Hi All

    Welcome MissM! Glad you joined us.
  2. Such a biased poll. What about an option to Like something when you have nothing to say? Hardly anyone was responding to Wild Nut's thread I thought at least she could get a few Likes. If people dislike Facebook so much why do they spend so much time there? Huh? Yeah... I gotcha now, haven't I? Fine. I'll go with the majority. I'll turn it off as soon as I can find it in the silly control panel. What about turning on the rating system instead of the Like button?
  3. Oh wow you're building quite a collection there.
  4. Oh good work on the galaxy rasbora. I might give them another go one day.
  5. Yeah there needs to be a 10 minute delay between posts for more pics. So were the early ones yellow dragons? Or is that just the way they appear in the photo?
  6. Are the different coloured ones the same species? Will they interbreed?
  7. Yeah you need a 6 bedroom at least. Plus double garage and a big shed.
  8. But apart from the lack of a back fence is there a particular reason you're moving?
  9. Have you got photos of how the line started and progressed to this point? It would be very interesting to see.
  10. Yes the hatch n feeder bubbles away.
  11. Hmm the hatch n feeder is pretty big. It would ruin the look, wouldn't it?
  12. I like it. At least you've made a bit more of an effort than I have.
  13. I wasn't worried about water volume so much as practicality. How wide is a small net? Obviously sideways is not a problem but if you needed to turn the net there's no room to do it. Not sure about Perspex. Haven't had any experience working with it.
  14. Soooooo narrow! If you use 4mm glass you lose another 8mm on the inside measurement. It will be a pain to aquascape if you can barely get your hand in. That vase you've got there is much wider than that at it's widest point. I'm wondering if it would be an option to have a slight overhang on either side. Not too much, maybe just 2 cm either side?
  15. The length won't make it unstable. It would be more the height that would be a problem. How much weight do you reckon that divider can take?
  16. Well done! Really starting to get there. Are you mostly selecting from your own lines? Or are outcrossing to improve the form? Would love to see what you started out with and how it's changed.
  17. When are you moving house?
  18. I just chuck plants in there and they grow where they grow. This is my channoides tank. It got a "re-scape" recently when I had to move plants around to catch pairs for the show. And just to prove there are actually fish in there.
  19. Are those ones you've bred yourself? Did you enter some of these in this year's Aquarama? The marble pattern looks familiar.
  20. Ummm... I see no shrimp Can we get some close-ups?
  21. Hosting pictures on the forum would mean extra server space which would cost more. We would have to start offering paid memberships and also get commercial sponsorship.
  22. In case you haven't realised, the upgrade has happened. A few things look different. Logo needs to be fixed. I can't seem to go to my Profile settings by clicking my username at the top right. I can only get there by clicking my avatar when I'm in a topic I've posted in. Need to find out what's going on there. Now.... to see what's happened to the mobile app. Please feel free to point out errors, wierdnesses etc.
  23. I've requested a forum upgrade which should occur very soon. The new version requires a new mobile app to be downloaded I believe.
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