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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Gardneri were my first species of killi. Have a soft spot for them. Love their cute smiling faces.
  2. Sure let's chat about the best way of doing that.
  3. Pure endlers? Or the hybrids? I've got some snakeskins that I've been trying to cross to double sword blues. But have to admit not working them systematically.
  4. Sorry for the slow approval. Welcome.
  5. Yeah have to admit that it makes me want to work on gold as well. But I am too easily distracted away from current projects.
  6. Yay! Google chrome is a good browser. I like it.
  7. I think we should allow some editing like colour correction, exposure, sharpness, cropping, touch up. But not allowed to recompose the image ie no adding anything that wasn't there. So you can't cut out the fish and put it on another background or recompose it to reposition elements. Good job Maddie and James for putting this together.
  8. And if people have a chance to Like something they don't feel compelled to make a comment simply for the sake of making a comment like ooh, ahh, pretty. Quality instead of quantity.
  9. Exactly my point. *LIKE* Besides I can't find how to turn it off easily without affecting other functionality (yet to come) like articles and galleries.
  10. LOL I guess it's not a proper emoticon unless it's got some emotion behind it.
  11. I think all the old emoticons should be fixed now. Yell out if you still find ones which are broken.
  12. Everything you could possibly want to know about favicon's can be found here. I don't get the cropping effect in Google Chrome on PC. Can't see it at all in Internet Explorer 8 on PC.
  13. Ooh... I managed to make the favicon work.
  14. I'm pretty sure the entire planet is breeding smaragdina.
  15. Do you need your password reset so you can try Firefox? Unless you changed your display name I expect your username is Lorraine1.
  16. If you login via Facebook you also have the option of using your Facebook pic.
  17. Excellent. Ahh and this is the thread with the favicon! That I need to upload sometime when it's not way past my bedtime and I have to be at work extra early the next day because I have a stupid meeting to go to.
  18. But is the problem the forum software or IE 11?
  19. Brenton's instructions didn't work for you? Are you on a computer or smart device?
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