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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. Welcome to AusAqua. What colour is Fang?
  2. Welcome Chad! Lots of fishy events going on in Melbourne you should try to get along to. There's the Fish Fair this weekend and the Victoria Betta meeting the following weekend.
  3. Looks great! Love that copper pk. Where did you get him.
  4. Bettarazzi

    Hi all!

    Yes the 27th and we kick off around 12:30 and finish around 3:30 or 4pm depending how long people take to get out the door.
  5. We can make a marine thread if you're going to be filling it with posts :)
  6. Look forward to seeing the end result.
  7. Welcome Will. I've lost way too much money on marine tanks. But they're still on my must try again list.
  8. Yeah post photos and people will come alive.
  9. Bettarazzi

    Hi all!

    Hi Bec. Welcome to ausaqua. We'd love to see you at the next Vic Betta meet. Do come along.
  10. Welcome to AusAqua Trent.
  11. Salty, have a look at channoides or albimarginata.
  12. Welcome salty! Not sure who's got macs at the moment. I'm sure one of our wild guys will pipe up.
  13. Yes this forum has slowed down considerably since the pre-Facebook days. Still great info on it though.
  14. Welcome Andrew. Did you get the names of those plants? I think you should perhaps make that water change a little larger. Perhaps 50%.
  15. Can you paste the link here? I'll try to fix it.
  16. I've had a male with a bent spine live quite long and father perfectly normal offspring.
  17. I think you would need at least 2 tubes to grow ambulia. I'm not familiar with that tank. Maybe some pics or a link to the specs might help.
  18. Send me a private message with the reasons and I'll look at it.
  19. Welcome to the forum! And an early welcome to Australia. So what's the Betta scene like in NZ? We don't seem to hear much but that isn't necessarily a good indication.
  20. Very interesting design. Should work well. I love how all the filtration is hidden. Will look great when it's all scaped.
  21. If you use the bbcode direct link from file factory the picture will appear in the post itself like this
  22. Ooh I don't know much about those tanks but bumping this in case someone else can answer.
  23. Welcome Rowland. Beautiful fish. Congrats on the spawns.
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