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Everything posted by Bettarazzi

  1. The off-the-shelf racks should say on the label what weight they’re designed to hold. I would keep well under that. The benefit is that you can get going with breeding a lot sooner. Building your own will take time. But will also mean that you get exactly the dimensions you want.
  2. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it’s a one off thing and not catching.
  3. Sorry I don’t think I can be of much help. Can you see any signs of an injury? It might be worthwhile removing him to a hospital tank where you can take a closer look at him.
  4. Welcome. Pond sounds awesome.
  5. Welcome. If you’re able to make the drive to Melbourne occasionally you might consider joining the Aquarium Society of Victoria. They just had a Fish Fair a few weeks ago that would have been a good opportunity to get rid of surplus plants and fish.
  6. Welcome. This is not the busiest forum these days but we’ll do our best to help.
  7. Yes, I think it eventually settled down.
  8. The snakeskin pattern is dominant but I’d be concerned about screwing around with the black metal. Have you not been able to find any of the same variety that are larger?
  9. What sort of filtration are you thinking about doing?
  10. Whenever that’s happened to me I try to clean as much of it off and increase the water changes. That it’s “normal and should clear up”… yeah not sure about this. I’ve not been told that before and I certainly haven’t tested that concept. I’ve often wondered why two tanks setup up side by side in exactly the same way are affected differently. I guess there are probably more variables than meets the eye. I agree it’s probably to do with tank stabilisation but I’m not sure about the clearing up part. I think at the very least, clean it off the glass and increase the water changes. You might also consider adding a product like Seachem Stability to see if that helps.
  11. Looking forward to seeing the posts.
  12. Yes it was. I’m really just hanging on in case people start coming back.
  13. Hey there Yanagi. Yes we’re still here. Kinda. It’s very quiet.
  14. If you were in Melbourne I’d advise you to head to the Aquarium Society of Victoria. There are some very experienced planted tank keepers that would happily help you work through the various options. You should also try to get a copy of Diana Walstad’s book Ecology of the Planted Aquarium.
  15. Unfortunately there’s not a neat and tidy list to send you. Sayo’s Bettas https://www.facebook.com/Sayosbettas is based in Melbourne and might be able to help. There are some members of the Aquarium Society of Victoria https://www.asofv.com/ who breed bettas occasionally but you would have to go to the meetings to connect with them.
  16. Welcome Fred. Which part of the US are you in?
  17. Personal information stored against your user account such as email address, will be deleted upon request. Please send a private message to Bettarazzi or use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.
  18. Actually I just realised you may already have an account called “Gumnut”. I could merge the two if you like. Let me know if you want to do that.
  19. Hi Silver Gumnut. Welcome. Really sad how all the old forums have died. I was on AL too. This one is only still here because I’m so sentimental I can’t bear to pull the plug. Most activity moved to Facebook but even that’s gone pretty quiet.
  20. Yeah maybe try shading the natural light for a while to see if it helps.
  21. Java fern and moss should cope with low light and I guess acidity as well. Anubias also don’t need a lot of light. Maybe it’s the sudden change which is affecting them. If they’re used to pH 7 in the shop and it’s suddenly acidic perhaps that’s what they’re reacting to? I don’t have much experience with Aquasoil I’m afraid. Your picture links didn’t work btw. Maybe go back to the shop and have a chat.
  22. Unlikely to be the plants. Vallisneria requires fairly strong lighting. Java fern can cope with less light. The description of your light seems pretty vague. Hard to tell if that’s the problem or not. The pH is pretty acidic and is probably more of a priority to balance out. I would test your tap water first. If it’s around pH 7.0 then do 15-20% water changes daily until the tank settles. If your tap water is also acidic then you should consider using a buffering product.
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